Theatre II/III B Block

Arts Week 2020
You may skip to specific student pieces on this video's Youtube page. Directions are listed in the video description.

Theatre II, Block B

Theatre II focuses on further developing acting skills through text work, improvisation, movement and vocal exercises and theatre games. Students use the vocabulary of the theater to appreciate the history of drama in the context of studying plays and presenting monologues and scenes. The creative process of a variety of theatre jobs will be investigated. Theater II is a performance-based art, and all class members will be required to participate in at least one class performance during the year.  


Theatre III, Block B  

Theatre III further explores the fundamentals of drama by examining the historical and cultural significance of theatre. The focus of the course is on theatre styles - from Greek, Elizabethan and Comedy of Manners/Restoration to Method Acting and Contemporary Theatre and Improvisation. As an Advanced Theatre student, students lead in-class vocal and physical warm- ups and theatre games and participate in regular presentations of monologues and scenes, with text work, character breakdown and analysis of a variety of plays. All students explore the creative process by making sophisticated choices as a performer, playwright, director, dramaturg, designer, stage manager and/or critic.  


Students in Theatre II/III Block B read and examined The Glass Menagerie, selected a monologue which was performed for peer and instructor feedback and then filmed themselves for online presentation.