Specialized Diplomas
Diploma Programs
We offer specialized diploma programs where students can "major" in a field of study. These programs go above and beyond our standard graduation requirements. These diploma programs include summer programs or travel, participation in subject-specific clubs and service opportunities, specific GPA requirements, and teacher recommendations. These programs are for the student who ideally wants to further pursue these fields of study in college and beyond.
"Exposure, Experience, and Expertise"
The Specialized Diploma in the Arts is for students who demonstrate early and dedicated passion in an artistic discipline. The four-year program affords career and goal-oriented opportunities for learning, mastering, and sharing creative skills. Students work closely with a teacher mentor in their profession, learning invaluable insight and skills beyond those learned in class. Students are encouraged to explore their fields independently through internships, service, and professional opportunities. All work is accomplished cross-disciplinary, helping students understand the fundamentals of working in the professional art world, gain a grounding in art history, and prepare their work for sharing in the community.
"Research, Internship, and Service-Based Learning"
The Math/Science Honors Diploma Program is designed to establish a pathway for students to obtain advanced and highly challenging education in mathematics and lab-based sciences (physics, chemistry, and biology).
The diploma is earned through a four-year process that cultivates critical thinking, ingenuity, and problem-solving. Coursework also incorporates leadership and work ethics components, along with an introduction to reading scientific literature to support students in demonstrating qualities and skills. This program encourages students to explore and master theoretical and applied scientific and mathematical topics at an advanced level. Additionally, the program aligns with the admission requirements of highly selective colleges and the broader demands of STEM-focused careers.
“Information literacy, ethical inquiry, and experiential learning”
The Global Studies and World Language Diploma is designed to establish a pathway for students to obtain advanced and highly challenging education in global studies through a three-year process that cultivates critical thinking, ingenuity, and problem-solving. The program also incorporates leadership and work ethic components consistent with qualities that will eventually be required for global internships in the field. This program encourages students to focus on inquiry-based research to create innovative international solution options.