R&R Speaker Series: Neuropsychological Assessment - A Blueprint Into The Brain

Renaissance School is pleased to be co-hosting the R&R Speaker Series alongside REACH Elementary and Middle Schools, the newest member of our consortium of schools.
Our upcoming speakers, Dr. Karen Shiltz and Dr. Amy Schonfeld, will present the topic "Neuropsychological Assessment: A Blueprint Into The Brain" virtually on March 10 at 4 PM (PST).
In this session, Dr. Shiltz and Dr. Schonfeld will discuss the various ins and outs of neuropsychological assessmentment and how it can be used to understand and support developing minds. This will also lead to further discussions regarding long-term value as well as discussions of the impact of COVID on young minds.

Dr. Karen Schiltz is the Founder of Golden State Neuropsychology in Calabasas. She specializes in clinical and forensic neuropsychological assessment of of pediatric and young adults. Dr. Schiltz is also Clinical Professor (Voluntary) at the Dept. of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. Her book Beyond the Label, was published by Oxford University Press along with co-authors, Amy Schonfeld, Ph.D. and Tara Niendam, Ph.D.

Dr. Amy Schonfeld is a clinical neuropsychologist at Golden State Neuropsychology. She is also a volunteer clinical instructor at the Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Dr. Schonfeld’s early research interests centered on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. She currently sees a range of medical, neurodevelopmental, and psychiatric conditions in pediatrics through young adults. Dr. Schonfeld co-authored Beyond the Label with Dr. Karen Schiltz.
Please note, this event is open to all members of the community in addition to outside participants.
This event will be hosted on a live Zoom call and meeting details will be sent by e-mail. Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 9 at www.reachschool.org/speaker-series
Dr. Schiltz and Dr. Schonfeld Flyer