Riley McIntire

"Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you, “ (Ruth Bader Ginsberg). As we all sit in our rooms alone, but together as Huskies, like many of you, I sometimes escape to my dream of what I hope my future will look like. For me it’s a place of serenity that might feel like the past - misty cold mornings on the coast. Lavender bouquets and withered blue bell dresses. The smell of cut grass and fresh linen. The sounds of thrushes singing and a piano playing. Sheepdogs, farm cats and cold pink noses. The feeling of a big cotton picnic blanket spread out on a spring morning. The taste of vanilla and cinnamon.  I’m surrounded by a few of my favorite things and all of the people I love - friends, family, a kind husband and even a few kids. 

Each of you has your own dream of what will bring you and others joy in life, something you work towards every day and hope you will attain. I’ll be honest, I’m scared for our dreams right now. We were raised to believe we are the creators of our own futures, yet so much feels out of our control and the problems can seem insurmountable. I feel uncertain about whether or not we’re going to be ok; whether or not our planet is going to be ok. In talking with my friends, I know many of you feel these uncertainties too. 

I’ve always been a cynic myself, but in light of all that is happening in the world, I find myself working to find the positive. There is such a beauty to life that I too often forget in my dark moments. But I believe in us. I believe in each of you. I know you are all connecting with your own dreams and passions that motivate you for the greater good. I see many of you expressing your views in our clubs and classes, and taking initiative in ways that will make a positive difference.  I know you share your voices authentically to let others know they are not alone. Like me, some of you will get to vote this year for leadership that will support our environment and rights for equality. I strongly believe that together we will be able to find happiness and security for ourselves in the future. Things will get better for us, our children, our grandchildren. We are adapting to our dire circumstances, fighting for our futures, and for our rights as humans and soon, very soon I believe, we will be able to see our seeds grow. Thank you!