R&R Speaker Series: Adriane Ransom

Renaissance School is pleased to be co-hosting the R&R Speaker Series alongside REACH Elementary and Middle Schools, the newest member of our consortium of schools.
The sixth speaker in the series is Adriane Ransom, presenting the topic "The Role of Occupational Therapy on Your Child's Professional Team" virtually on August 5 at 4 PM (PST).
Adriane is the owner and director of Bloom Pediatrics (www.bloompediatrics.com), a unique indoor-outdoor therapy center in West Los Angeles. She is an occupational therapist with over 20 years of experience in working with children ages birth through 12 years old. Her specialty areas include Autism Spectrum Disorders, executive functioning, feeding challenges, gifted and twice exceptional, gross motor skills and coordination, handwriting and fine motor skills, Sensory Processing Disorders, self-regulation, and social skills. In 2017 she co-founded Square Pegs (www.squarepegssupport.com) to support families looking to meet their gifted children’s educational and social-emotional needs.
This event will be hosted on a live Zoom call and meeting details will be sent by e-mail. Please RSVP by Tuesday, August 4 at www.reachschool.org/speaker-series
Adriane Ransom Flyer - Content Included in Text body above