8th Grade Visual Arts

Arts Week 2020

8th Grade Arts: What the City Needs

The projects made by individual students, over this trimester-long course, add up to create a miniature city. Each student designs their own building, along with an exterior public space. Students design a logo and mural that helps to articulate their building’s purpose.


The idea with this class is to focus on one building that a student feels is needed in the Los Angeles area. We look at and discuss public art and architecture in Southern California. This course includes lectures, discussions and writing, but our focus is hands-on art making.


This course is designed to help students develop an independent art practice, the kind that forms outside an academic structure. Students are asked to explore ideas and materials just as any artist, designer or architect would in their own studio. Students keep a sketchbook where they draw ideas and plans. We have several assignments designed to teach students fine art drawing techniques.


Click here to view the 8th Grade Visual Arts gallery