Robert Patterson

When I started writing this speech, it was four and a half months ago. It was not easy to write this because I knew I could talk to almost everyone in the school at the same time only once, and it had to be right. Now, I can’t tell you my full story, but I can tell you what I’ve learned through my many experiences, being a victim to something with the odds of 1 and 27.4 million of happening in someone’s lifetime.

Through these years, I’ve realized that being a generally good person nowadays is not easy for everyone. I feel it is because people don't realize how impactful you can really be in other people’s lives. I also feel I’ve had to learn this the hard way. Two years ago, my mother was a part of a deadly terrorist attack in Las Vegas. When my mom did not make it home, my life changed completely the next day.
But a while back I found a quote that changed the way I view life ever since I’ve stumbled upon it. Before I can tell you that quote, you need context. Picture a man, a crazy man. He’s only crazy because he realizes everyone around him does not know who he really is, or how he thinks. Which leads me to my quote: “The person you think of as "yourself" exists only for you, and even you don't really know who that is. Every person you meet and have a relationship with, creates a version of "you" in their heads. You're not the same person to your mom, your dad, your siblings, that you are to your coworkers, your neighbors or your friends. There are a thousand different versions of yourself out there, in people's minds. A "you" exists in each version, and yet your "you", "yourself", can’t actually be "someone" at all.”
I think about this quote often because I believe it’s one of the best life lessons someone can learn. Everyone from the people around you now to the people you accidentally make eye contact with at the mall, start to form a mental picture of you in their head. The best part about this is you can control the picture they create. The problem is people will never be able to read your mind or truly know the way you think.
Through these years, I’ve realized that being a generally good person nowadays is not easy for everyone. I feel it is because people don't realize how impactful you can really be in other people’s lives. I also feel I’ve had to learn this the hard way. Two years ago, my mother was a part of a deadly terrorist attack in Las Vegas. When my mom did not make it home, my life changed completely the next day.
I don’t know why for sure, but I greatly struggled with this quote’s concept in my head. Wrapping my mind around the fact that everyone had their own lives, thoughts, memories, and future seemed impossible. This led me to realize I might have what my English teacher Ms. Matuchniak best puts as ‘Thought Spirals.’ It’s exactly what it sounds. Not being able to control what I think about or how long I thought about it took over. But when I heard this phrase for the first time, I was more relieved that people knew how it felt, and knew how to get through them. It wasn’t easy, but I’ve learned surrounding yourself with people that care for you is the best way to overcome anything. Our family was given free dinner for months, hotel rooms, tickets to shows and concerts, hundreds of handwritten cards, news interviews, and much more. This brought new love and relationship strings in people I didn't even know existed. This tragedy was one of the worst in history, but it brought people together more than I have ever seen. These experiences also pushed me to further pursue becoming a police officer. The reason I wanted to become a cop when I was 9 years old was because I was promised I would get free donuts, my favorite food to this day. But now I realize I want to help people through times when they might not know the answer. I know how it feels. But you don’t have to go to the Academy to help people.
Generally, good people, from what I’ve seen, feel better about themselves, connect to others easier, and improve the life of another person at least a little. I can’t tell you exactly how to be good in your specific situation, but there are no repercussions in trying, wherever you are and whatever you may encounter.